On Wednesday 27th January, some students of youth work from the university came to visit our facility. They made a tour around the building while the Reco, the organisation and the work we do there was explained to them.
After the tour, we went up to the meeting room, where one worker of each area explained them which kind of work they use to do. One worker explained them about the youthworkers, another one about the Outreach team, and finally, we explained them a little bit about the volunteers and the European Volunteer Service. It was late and I was the last to speak, so I couldn't speak too much time because the time. However, I just tried to give them an idea about what the European Volunteer Service is and remind them that it's a great oportunitty they can take. I tried to emphasize that that experience is being for me a way to learn about lots of topics, for example: the particularities of the youth work in Ireland, the main issues they have to live with in here, the strategies they use to use, etc. It was great because while they spoke with the students I could understend a little bit more about BRYR, the teams, and little things that I didn't know. I liked listen the workers talking about their work and the reasons why it is how it is.
Before the meeting, when I thought what I could explain them to resume my work and my experience here I realised one of the things why I'm here and I try to make understand being here:
Remind that there are lots of cultures, countries and as ways to think as persons in the planet, that the opportunities doesn't finish in your area, city or country, and that the young people have the chance to take this opportunities (the EVS is just one example of these oportunities).