On Tuesday, 23rd of February, I took part in a training for a voulnteers and workers. The training was: Introduction to Youth Work.
Before starting the training, to be honest, I thought that, although that training would help me to remind things that I already knew, I couldn't learn any really new topic. Often the humans don't give enough value to the things that has it, or just use to think that we already know more than we really know. That was waht happened to me because, at the end of the training, I could say that I learn new things, for sure.
The first dynamic of the Training was to write on a baloon all that we are related to the youth work. I wrote, for example: EVS, Europe, Education, Support, etc. After that, and comparing what the people had written I realized how your background, age, experience, culture, etc. put you in a concrete position as a youth worker.
After that, we did dome dynamics to know what the theory of the youth work say and what happen dayli in the youthclubs.
The most interesting topic that I learn was about the community dimension of the youth work. We realised with some dynamics and some discussions with the group that the youth work is, in a big part, a communty work, where the youth work must know the needs of the community, the needs of the young people, the history and customs of the people to work properly with them. Moreover, the youth work generate an impact to the communtiy. Impacts that we can see in a short or long term.