Feb 2, 2010

Aisling Project

Every Tuesday since the begining of My EVS experience I have been working and collaborating with one of the groups of Aisling Project. These organisation is not officially part of BRYR but we could say they are "friends organizations" in Ballymun. Aisling use some of the facilities of BRYR as The Youth Facility (The Reco), fact that ilustrate of how the brotherhood among youth organizations works in these neighbourhood. My role in the group is helping them taking part of the activities and the youth club. However, Aisiling has also its own space, provided with different rooms and a kitchen.
The usual programme of this youth club is helping the young people with their homework, cooking the dinner, eating all together in the living room. The second part of the afternoon is dedicated to do some activities related with the interest of the young people who is involved in the club. One of these examples is a short movie we have been workink in. Trying to create a plot related with some of the young people interests and experiences we are now going through all the different steps that this process requires.

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