Nov 15, 2009

Zombies from the Block

One of the groups that I'm involved with is the Animation Group. A group of young people with two leaders that aims to create and have fun with their imagination and the digital tools they have around. It means that they try to think about they would like to do, and after this first ideas they start the project. Let me explain, for example, what we were doing during the October...

The group was interested in creating a short movie. As we were near the Halloween dates, they decided to create a movie about Zombies... However this story had to have something about Ballymun. So the Movie would be about "Zombies from the Block" and it would be filmed in Ballymun, in The Reco and in the blocks. We started thinking about the screenplay. We decided the characters and we spent a week writing the screenplay.

After that, the funniest but the hardest work: Filming. We spent some weeks filming, trying to get the best version of the film. The young people maked up, dressed up and acted as a real zombies... They were a busy sessions finishing late but everybody were really implicated and all of us wanted to get the film for the Otherworld Festival, in the October 31st, to show it to everybody in the big screen.

I really enjoyed those days taking part of the activty of this group. Even I could participate as an actor in the movie!!
It was really joyful all the process and the end at the big square fool of people, and the big screen showing them the movie "Zombies from the block".

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